
Department of Minnesota, 6th District




American Legion Riders of the Sixth District of the Department of Minnesota Constitution



For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in All Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.



The American Legion Riders is formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as a family of oriented motorcycling activity for members of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion.

Article 1 – Name

The name of this program shall be THE AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS of the Sixth District of The Department of Minnesota, hereinafter referred as 6DALR, in short form.

Article II – Nature

Section 1. The American Legion Riders (ALR) is a program for members of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion members, collectively “The American Legion Family,” who share an interest in motorcycling.

Section 2.  The American Legion Riders upholds the declared principles of The American Legion and conforms to and abides by regulations and decisions of the post. 

Section 3.  The ALR maintains and protects the image of The American Legion Emblem. The emblem of The American Legion demands “that the wearer shall ever guard the sanctity of home and country and free institutions.”

Section 4.  Under no circumstance shall an emblem of The American Legion be marketed, sold, or subordinated to any other organizational logo or emblem without the approval and consent of The American Legion national organization.

Section 5.     Members of the ALR shall avoid any perception of being a motorcycle or “biker” club or gang. Rather, the focus of membership is for the enjoyment of motorcycles and comradeship and furthering Legion programs in the community.  

Section 6.   The ALR strives to improve the public’s perception of the motorcycling community by promoting the honorable nature of military service, and service to one’s community, state and nation through the sport of motorcycling. 

Section 7.   Members of the ALR comply at all times with the motor vehicle safety, licensing, and insurance laws or regulations of the state in which operating.

ARTICLE III – Organization

Section 1.  The 6DALR is organized to support communication among the American Legion Rider Post Chapters and the leadership of the Sixth District of the Department of Minnesota.

Section 2.  The 6DALR exists at the discretion of Sixth District Executive Committee. Each individual ALR Chapter exists at the discretion of each sponsoring Post.

Section 3.    The 6DALR recognizes the Deer River Chapter sponsored by Legion Post 122 as the first American Legion Riders Chapter in Minnesota.


Section 1.     The designated officers of the 6DALR shall be a Director, an Assistant Director, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a District Legion Rider Liaison Officer.

Section 2.     The Director, Assistant Director, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the quarterly meeting of the 6DALR immediately prior to the annual 6th District Convention for a term of two years.

Section 3.     Any member in good standing of a 6th District Legion Rider Chapter is eligible to serve as an officer of the 6DALR.

Section 4.     Nominations for office shall come from the Chapter Directors in the 6th District and must include a certification from the Chapter Director that the nominee is a member in good standing.  Nominations may be made in person, by mail or by electronic means, including email or posting on the 6DALR social media pages.

Section 5.     Nominations for elected office shall be closed on the first day of the month in which the election is to take place.

Section 6.     The District ALR Liaison Officer will be appointed by the District Commander annually.

Section 7.     The Director of the 6DALR is the executive head of the organization with full power to carry out the mandates and policies of The American Legion Riders of Minnesota and 6DALR as approved by The American Legion Department of Minnesota and the Sixth District Executive Board.  He or she shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.  

Section 8.     The Secretary of 6DALR has the usual duties of a Secretary.  He or she is the administrative officer of the policies and mandates of the organization.  The Secretary is specifically charged with ensuring that an accurate record of all meetings of the organization are kept and promptly transmitted for review by all members of the Executive Committee.

Section 9.     The Treasurer of the 6DALR has the usual duties of a Treasurer in dealing with funds raised by coordinated efforts of the chapters in the district.   

Section 10.   Duties of the District ALR Liaison Officer include communication between the chapters and the District Executive board and working to start new chapters.  The Liaison Officer also has the responsibility of reporting on a regular basis to the District Executive Board on the activities of the Legion Riders in the Sixth District.

Section 11.   To preclude any one chapter exerting undue influence on the operations of the 6DALR, no more that two members of any given chapter may serve as elected or appointed officers at the same time.

Section 12.   In the event of an unexpected office vacancy, the District Director will appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the elected person’s term of office.



Section 1.     The 6DALR Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and appointed officers and the Chapter Directors of each of the duly chartered Legion Rider chapters in the 6th District.  If the elected or appointed officers are also Chapter Directors, they will insure that a member of their chapter is appointed to represent the chapter at meetings.

Section 2.     For the conduct of Executive Committee business, a quorum will be 6, consisting of at least three of the designated officers and three Chapter Directors.

Section 3.  The Executive Committee of the 6DALR shall meet quarterly to discuss such business as may come before it, typically at least one week before any District Executive Board meetings so reports to the board can be prepared and presented.

Section 4.     Meetings of the Sixth District American Legion Riders are open to all Sixth District Legion Rider members.  Only members of the 6DALR Executive Committee can make or second motions for consideration.  All members of 6DALR may participate in discussions on motions made and seconded.  Once discussion of a motion is closed and a vote is called for, the members of 6DALR Executive Committee will vote.  The Director does not have a vote, except to break a tie.

Section 5.     A simple majority will be sufficient to pass any and all issues to come before the Executive Committee with the exception of amendments to this constitution which will require a 2/3 majority as defined in Article VII.

Section 6.   Roberts Rules will govern meetings to notwithstanding changes in procedure approved by vote of the committee.


Article IV – Membership Eligibility

Section 1.   Eligibility for Full membership in the American Legion Riders shall be as prescribed by the national constitutions of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion.

Section 2.   All members of the American Legion Riders must further demonstrate current individual membership in The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion.

Section 3.   Members will not at any time hold membership in more than one chapter of the American Legion Riders.

Section 4.   Each ALR member shall establish and maintain membership owning individually or through family, a motorcycle/trike licensed and insured as required under local laws.

Section 5.   Members in good standing may continue to retain full membership if they have given up motorcycle ownership involuntarily because of age, injury, health reasons or financial hardship.

Section 6.   There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership and dues shall be paid as required by the chapter. There shall be no district, or state ALR dues.

Section 7.     Individual Chapters may vote to include in their by-laws whether of not they will accept Support Members.


Article V – Wear of American Legion Emblem

Section 1.   The American Legion Riders back patch, as copyrighted and sold by The American Legion’s Emblem Sales division, is authorized for wear by all current members of the ALR. American Legion logos and emblems may also be authorized by the host post for wear by selected volunteers performing work on behalf of the local Post or Post programs.  

Section 2.   No other back patch or back patch design is authorized for wear as an ALR emblem.

Section 3.   Department standards and specifications for patch sales are on file with Emblem Sales.

Section 4.   If department or Post identifying information is to be embroidered on the patch, Emblem Sales must have on record authorization from the Department Adjutant that such specific identifying information may be used on the patch. 

Section 5.   No other patch, tab, rocker, text, background art or color that conflicts with an American Legion protected trademark may be used on clothing, banners, flags, posters or advertisements.

Section 6.     While a Legion Rider’s vest reflects their personal history and attitudes, 6DALR members should remember that the American Legion Riders is a family organization and their chosen patches and pins should reflect that.

Article VI – Finance

Section 1.   There shall be no dues collected for American Legion Riders of Minnesota or the 6DALR. 

Section 2.   The amount of such membership or initiation fees and the amount of such annual chapter dues shall be fixed and determined by the chapter and shall remain within the ALR Chapter.

Section 3.   Chapter Directors and 6DALR officers will be volunteer positions. 

Article VII – Amendments

Section 1.   This constitution is adopted, subject to the provisions of the national constitution and department constitution of which this district is a subordinate program. Any amendment to the national or department constitution that is in conflict with any provision hereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions or the constitution and bylaws of this district to the extent of such conflict.

Section 2.   This constitution may be amended by a vote of 2/3 of all the active members that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing. Further, that traditional mail or electronic mail notice shall have been sent to all Chapter addresses of record at least 30 days in advance of the date which such amendment is to be voted upon, notifying said Chapter that each Chapter will get  (1) vote per amendment. No response is a “no” response and will stand as a nonvoter.              

Article VIII – Liability

Section1.    The Sixth District Legion Riders assumes no responsibilities for Chapters duties to their members or Post.

Section 2.   No liability shall be assumed for Post chapter ALR, District Chapter ALR events by the American Legion Riders of Minnesota.

Section 3.   That any event sponsored by the American Legion Riders of Minnesota shall require a participant waiver signed by all in attendance.


The American Legion Riders

Sixth District of the

Department of Minnesota

Standard Operating Procedure


The American Legion Riders is formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American

Legion as a family of oriented motorcycling activity for members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and The Sons of The American Legion. American Legion National

Resolutions No. 35 and 32 and the Department of Minnesota Standard Operating Procedure are the governing documents for members of The Sixth District American Legion Riders.


The name of this program shall be the Sixth District American Legion Riders (6DALR).


The American Legion Riders (ALR) is a program for members of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion, collectively, "The American Legion Family" who share an interest in motorcycling.

Members of the ALR shall comply at all times with the motor vehicle safety, licensing, and insurance laws or regulations of the state in which operating.


The American Legion Riders is a program of each American Legion Post that authorizes such formation. Posts at large are not authorized to form an ALR Chapter; however, individual members may become members of an ALR Chapter. Periodically they unite with other American Legion Riders throughout the Sixth District and the State of Minnesota to raise funds and facilitate communication between individual chapters.

Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives of The Sixth District American Legion Riders shall be a Director, an Assistant Director, a Secretary, a Treasurer and all duly elected ALR Chapter Directors or their appointed Representatives. In addition, a District ALR Liaison Officer will be appointed annually by the District Commander.

Nominations for and election of the Director, Assistant Director, Secretary and Treasurer shall be as specified in the 6th District Legion Rider Constituton.

The District Director of the American Legion Riders is the executive head of the organization with full power to carry out the mandates and policies of The American Legion Riders as dictated by American Legion Resolutions No. 35 and 32 and the Department of Minnesota Standard Operating Procedure. He or she shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.

The Assistant Director of the American Legion Riders will assist the Director and preside over meetings when the Director is unavailable.

The Secretary of The American Legion Riders has the usual duties of a secretary.

The Treasurer of The American Legion Riders has the usual duties of a treasurer.

The District Liaison Officer promotes communication between chapters within the district and with District Leadership. The District Liaison Officer also has the responsibility of facilitating the formation of new ALR chapters in the District.

Post (Chapter) representation is to be handled by each Post as directed by current leadership of The American Legion in that Post and under the guidelines of the National Organization within Resolutions 35 and 32, and this SOP. Post (Chapter) representation will incur no financial or legal liability to the Sixth District, MNALR nor the Department of Minnesota.

It is recommended that the individual chapters meet together once a year or as needed to promote their functions. It is encouraged that these meetings include an annual meeting held at the Romp. Each Chapter is responsible for the election/appointment of their Chapter Director or Representative to the 6DALR Board of Representatives. 

Membership Eligibility

Eligibility for full membership in The American Legion Riders shall be as prescribed by the national constitutions of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of The American Legion.

All members of The American Legion Riders must further demonstrate current individual membership in The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion.

Each ALR member shall establish and maintain membership owning individually or through family, a motorcycle/trike licensed and insured as required under local laws. Additionally including the amendments of National Resolution 32 (Amendment to 35) which provides: “ALR programs may allow for continued membership for those who have given up motorcycle ownership because of age, illness, injury, or other reasons outside of the member’s control.”

There shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership in The American Legion Family.

Wear of American Legion Emblem

The American Legion Riders back patch, as copyrighted and sold by The American Legion's Emblem Sales Division, is the only authorized back patch for wear by all current members of the ALR. No other back patch or back patch design is authorized for wear as an ALR emblem.

All Chapters organized after August 1, 2016 will wear the large oval back patch purchased from The American Legion Emblem Sales Division.  Embroidery consisting of 1 line above the emblem and a maximum of 2 lines below the emblem is allowed.   


The American Legion 6th District of the Department of Minnesota shall not be held financially responsible for The 6th District American Legion Riders.


A proposed amendment to this SOP may be made amended by a majority vote of the 6DALR Board of Representatives after being presented to each Chapter by the District Representative, after being presented in writing to the 6DALR Director. For final approval of any proposed amendment, it must first come before the District Executive Committee and gain a passing vote.


The American Legion 6th District of the Department of Minnesota assumes no financial or legal responsibility for The 6th District American Legion Riders.