
Department of Minnesota, 6th District



LuAnn Marschel ~ 6th District Constitution & Standing Rules Chairman

215 Frontier Rd SW ~ Byron, MN 55920  ~ (507) 259-7544 ~ chulukru@gmail.com



  1. Following close of District Convention you will receive your District chairmanship materials from the newly elected President. (usually referred to as the Blue Book)
  2. In August or early September you will receive from Department Office a letter with information on your chairmanship put together by the Department Chairman. You should receive this sometime during the last week of every month. Not all chairman will have something every month.
  3. You are to write your articles for the 6th District Bulletin using the information from the Department Office, the Auxiliary National News magazine, Minnesota Legionnaire, National’s Program Action Plan and the Annual Supplement. The Annual Supplement is this year’s National Chairman’s additions for this year. {you can find this on the National American Legion Auxiliary website. AlaforVeterans.org
  4. If you have a computer email, your report for the District Bulletin should be sent to the District Secretary and President by the 10th of the month. If you do not have email be sure to mail your report to the District Secretary and District President to be received by the 10th.
  5. 5. REMEMBER: If you want information out to the Units for anything special it needs to be in the Bulletin 1-2 months ahead of time. Example: Asking Units to do something special at Christmas for Veterans and their families should be in the Bulletin by October or November. National Security month is January, articles would need to be in by November or December, etc. Plan ahead. Please limit your report to 500 words or less, which is one page with a header.
  6. Mid-Winter Conference: You are expected to attend and give a 2-3 minute report on your program, what could/should have been done and what is there that can still be done by annual report time. Give a copy to the District Secretary at that time. (can be a copy or the one you used for your report). If you are unable to attend, send a written report to the District Secretary a week before Mid-Winter or email your report. The District Secretary would be asked to read your report in your absence. Make sure to have a copy of each article you send to the District Secretary to place in the Blue Book for references for the next Chairman.
  7. There is no money in the District budget for working your program with the exception of Membership. Leadership Chairman may charge a small amount to cover the cost of lunch, meeting, and cost of supplies used for Leadership Training Classes.


A. You will receive annual reports from the Units in the 6th District. At this time, I have not heard exactly how we will be asked to report this year. There will be information coming from Department soon. The Unit reports will have information about the who, what, where and when, services provided, money spent, hours donated, etc. As the District Chairman you will be responsible to compile the information from these reports. (Summarize the information from the reports in story form- This gives the Department Chairman a summary of all the things that were done in her program from all 10 Districts in Minnesota. The Department Chairman compiles all the information from the 10 District Chairmen and sends her report to the National Northwest Division Chairman who then reports to the National Chairman.

B. There are 4 classes of membership. The District President will send you a list with membership classification for you to use. In our District we give 2 Unit Citations, and 2 Unit Honorable Mention in each classification.

In the January or February Bulletin remind all Units to make a report and a summary of what the Unit has done from April 1st of the last year through March31st of the reporting year. There are a few Chairmanships that do not have annual reports. They will need to be reminded we need their information as well.


A. You will write a summary from the Unit reports, select the winning Citations and Honorable Mention Units per membership classification to be put in the Book of Annual Reports for the District. There are to be given 2 Citations and 2 Honorable Mentions ONLY in each class. There are NO ties.

B. Select the best reports from each class to be sent with your District Report to the Department Chairman for Recommendations for Certificates of Merit. You will receive information from the Department Office to help you with this. In past years you were able to choose 5 Units from the 4 Classes, plus another 5 regardless of membership.

C. You can also write a short greeting to the District President to go in the Book of Annual Reports. Example: (Thank you Madame President for allowing me to be your Education Chairman this year.)

D. Have your Blue Book up to date and turn it in. There will be a sign-in and sign-out sheet at the Convention for returning your Blue Book and if you have another chairmanship for the next year, you will be able to sign out the next Blue Book.

10. You will receive a district bulletin each month you are serving as a District Chairman.




Supplementary to the District Constitution and By-Laws set up for the District and printed each year in the Department Annual Book of Reports.

I.     Officers

  1. The President shall call and preside over all District Meetings.  She shall carry out such mandates of the District Convention as are assigned to her and administer the business of the organization over which she presides.
  2. The President shall issue at least nine (9) District Bulletins and a Book of Annual Reports.  April 15th is the accepted date for total membership for the records in the Book of Annual Reports.
  3. The President shall furnish each District Chairman with an outline of her particular duties and responsibilities for the coming year.
  4. No elected District Officer shall succeed herself in office.  Any officer having served six (6) months or more, whether elected at the Annual Convention, by succession, or appointed by the District Executive Committee to fill the vacancy, shall be considered having served a full term.
  5. The two elected Executive Committee members shall be elected with designation – First Executive Committee Member and Second Executive Committee Member.
  6. The Chaplain shall assist at the opening session of the convention and perform any other duties assigned to her by the President.
  7. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes, receive all papers presented for filing, read all communications intended for the meeting and assume responsibilities assigned to her by the President.  She shall be responsible for all the funds transmitted to her and shall sign all checks issued through the District Organization.  She shall make out a written report to present to the District Convention.  She shall mail the monthly District Bulletins to the Unit Presidents, County Council Presidents, all District Officers, District Chairmen, Department President, Department First Vice President, Department Second Vice President, Nine District Sister Presidents, Department Secretary, and Past District Presidents in good standing in the District, the District Honorary Junior President and all Presidents of active Junior Units.  The minutes of the District Convention shall be distributed to the Executive Committee members prior to the start of the new administrative year and a copy of the minutes shall be printed in The Book of Annual Reports for the next Convention.  The District Bulletin will be available as a yearly subscription for a nominal fee to any member who requests it (suggested fee $10.00).  She shall be responsible for the master copy of the Amended Standing Rules to be presented to the incoming Secretary.  The District Secretary shall make the Book of Annual Reports available to Unit Presidents, District Officers, District Chairmen, and Past District Presidents at the District Convention.  No Books of Annual Reports are to be mailed.  She shall also be responsible for mailing Credential Cards to every Unit, all Executive Committee Members and all Past District Presidents.  The Sixth District Secretary shall prepare all citations, honorable mention citations and all certificates and framed certificates where applicable, to be presented at District Convention.  She shall include in the April District Newsletter a form for delegates and alternates attending for Units, all District Executive Committee Members and all Past District Presidents. The Call to Convention will be published in the April District newsletter and not mailed. The Sixth District secretary shall prepare all citations, honorable mention citations and all certificates and framed certificates where applicable, to be presented at District Convention. The District Secretary/Treasurer shall file annually Federal Internal Revenue Service Form 990N at the close of the fiscal year no later than the December 15th of the current year.  The incoming Secretary/Treasurer shall file Federal Internal Revenue Service Form 8822-B within 60 days following the adjournment of Department Convention.
  1. The books of the Secretary-Treasurer shall have a preliminary audit by the District Finance Committee at the Executive Committee Meeting preceding the District Convention and a final audit made by the same committee at least one week prior to the first Sixth District Executive Committee meeting of the new year.  She shall send a reminder notice to all Units who have not paid their per capita dues by March 15th.  She shall publish a list of all Units whose dues are not paid in the Sixth District Bulletin beginning with the January issue thru April of each year.
  2. The District Executive Committee serves as an advisory body to the President and is competent to transact any urgent business that may arise between District Conventions.  Such action on their part must be reported to the Convention next assembled.
  3. The District Parliamentarian shall be named by the President-Elect within thirty (30) days following the annual election of officers.  This action is to be ratified by the District Executive Committee at a meeting to be held no later than thirty (30) days after the District Convention.
  4. A District Historian shall be appointed by the President for the term of one (1) year.
  5. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be in charge of the opening processional and help with the Installation Processional.
  6. The incoming and outgoing Sixth District Presidents shall be designated delegates to National Convention, if they are able to attend.  In the case that the Alternate National Executive Committeewoman is from the Sixth District, she shall also be a designated delegate to the National Convention, if she is able to attend. 


II.    Finance

  1. One Past Sixth District President and two members of the American Legion Auxiliary, all in good standing, may be named by the District President to serve on the District Finance Committee.  One member shall be appointed by the District President to serve for a 3 year term or until removed by a majority vote of the District Executive Committee. Of the three members appointed following the 2017 District Convention, one member shall be appointed for a full 3 year term, one for a 2 year term, and one for a year; thereafter, each succeeding appointee shall serve for a full 3 year term or until removed by a majority vote of the District Executive Committee.  The member serving her last year on the committee shall automatically become its chairman.
  2. The dues of the Sixth District American Legion Auxiliary shall be $2.00 per capita, based on the Unit’s previous year’s membership.  Twenty-five cents ($.25) of the per capita dues shall be put into the National Delegate Fund (savings) and one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) shall be deposited into the General Fund (checking).  No money shall be transferred from the Delegate Fund into the General Fund.  If a Unit does not pay its per capita dues, as determined by District Standing Rules, by April 15th, said Unit shall not be entitled to any awards or trophies at the Annual District Convention.
  3. The Annual Budget shall be based on 95% of the previous year’s membership.
  4. The District President shall receive a budgeted amount as determined annually by the Finance Committee for District travel.  She is expected to attend the following District/Department functions:  Legionville rally, District membership rallies, 6 & 9 Rally, 3-4 Department rallies, the District Past Presidents Parley dinner and the Sixth District Junior Conference.  She is also expected to visit units throughout the District.  Such funds may be drawn quarterly commencing in September through June or she may, if desired draw the entire amount at the District Convention.
  5. The District Secretary-Treasurer shall receive a budgeted amount as determined by the Finance Committee annually for District travel to attend rallies, Mid-Winter Conference and Department Convention.  She may draw ½ (one-half) at the time of Mid-Winter Conference and the remaining ½ (one half) prior to Department Convention.  She may, if she desires, draw the entire amount at the completion of her year.
  6. Travel Reimbursement
  1. Sixth District travel reimbursement shall be $75.00 per diem and $.40 per mile.
  2. Mileage shall be calculated from the member’s Home Unit to the destination of the meetings.
  3. The Sixth District Executive Committee Members and the Parliamentarian shall receive two (2) days per diem and mileage to attend the Sixth District Convention and the Pre-Convention Executive Committee Meeting and mileage only to attend the August Executive Committee Meeting. 
  4. The Sixth District Finance Committee Members shall receive two (2) days per diem and mileage to attend the Pre-Convention Finance Committee’s first audit meeting, Pre-Convention Executive Committee Meeting and Sixth District Convention, mileage only to attend the August Finance Committee’s Budget Planning and Executive Committee Meetings and mileage only to attend the Finance Committee’s Final Audit Meeting.
  5. The Sixth District Treasurer shall receive mileage only to attend the Finance Committee’s Final Audit Meeting.
  6. The Sixth District Chaplain shall receive one (1) day per diem and mileage to attend the Sixth District Convention.
  7. The Sixth District Sergeant-At-Arms shall receive one (1) day per diem and mileage to attend the Sixth District Convention.
  8. The Sixth District Musician shall receive one (1) day per diem and mileage to attend the Sixth District Convention.
  9. All expense vouchers shall be given to the Finance Committee for approval and verification.
  10. Reimbursement shall be made by the Sixth District Treasurer within thirty (30) days of such meetings.
  1. The President-Elect of the District shall be sent to National Convention and shall receive from the District the same allowance as the Department allows its delegates.  In the event the President-Elect is unable to attend the National Convention, the expense of no delegate or alternate to the National Convention shall be paid by the District.
  2. Five dollars ($5.00) each shall be allowed from the District General fund for gifts to the two (2) District Pages at District Convention.
  3. The District shall purchase a Past President’s pin to be presented at District Convention.
  4. Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be budgeted for a gift to the Department President when she visits District Convention.  The Department President shall be invited to attend the Past Presidents’ Dinner and she will be a guest of the District.
  5. Money shall be budgeted for the District Memory Book, Poppy Poster prizes, other prizes, citations, District Historian’s book and other expenses of the District Historian, such as film and other supplies.  Monies shall be budgeted for certificates of appreciation for Sixth District officers and chairmen.  Any other gifts shall be at the discretion and expense of the Sixth District President.
  6. District Funds shall provide corsages for the current District President and the incoming District President at Department Convention.  It shall also provide a corsage for the District President at Fall Conference, when she is presented to the General Assembly (unless otherwise provided).
  7. In the event of the death of a Past District President a fifty-dollar (50.00) Memorial shall be sent to the Department of Minnesota Past Presidents Parley Scholarship Fund in her memory with $25 shall be taken from the Past Presidents Parley funds and $25 shall be taken from the District general funds.
  8. The District Membership Chairman shall receive a budgeted amount determined by the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Committee to attend 5 Department Membership Rallies, Legionville Rally, and the 6/9 Rally.  Such funds may be drawn monthly commencing in September through June or she may, if desired, draw the entire amount at the District Convention.
  9. A Girls State Transportation Chairman shall be appointed by the District President to be in charge of arrangements when a bus is chartered.  A self-sustaining fund shall be run through the Sixth District Books to pay for the expenses of the charter.
  10. $500.00 should be placed by outgoing treasurer from general funds to incoming Sixth District Treasurer.  This transfer should be done at the close of the Sixth District Convention and prior to the Department Convention.  The intent of this action is to open bank accounts for the succeeding year.
  11. Budgeted expenses incurred by District Chairmen prior to Sixth District Convention must be submitted to the District Treasurer prior to District Convention.
  12. All District financial records shall include the Sixth District Federal Identification Number.  The signature on all District financial accounts will include District President, District First Vice President, and the District Secretary/Treasurer.  All checks will require two signatures.


III.  District Chairmen

  1. The District Chairman shall return her year-end annual report to the Sixth District President, in accordance with direction of the District Secretary.  A summary report shall be sent at the same time to the District Secretary for inclusion in the Book of Annual Reports.  Summary shall include recommendations of certificates of merit, citations, and honorable mentions.
  2. The reports of Chairmen shall be returned to the District President no later than ten (10) days after Department’s postmark.
  3. At the District Convention, the District Chairman shall contribute remarks and suggestions, present citations, trophies, and awards.
  4. The District History shall be written each year by the District Historian and said history shall be kept permanently in the District files.
  5. A Past President shall be appointed to serve as chairman of the Past District Presidents Committee, in order of seniority, and shall respond for the Past District Presidents at the District Convention.  The Chairman shall be responsible for the Memorial Service for deceased Past District Presidents at District Convention, with the help of the deceased member’s Unit.
  6. The duties of the District Chaplain and the District Memorial Chairman shall be combined, and one person will serve as Chaplain and Memorial Chairman for the District.
  7. The District Junior Activities Chairman must submit to a background check and the district will assume any financial responsibilities of such background check.  The annual background check will be facilitated by the Department Secretary and kept of file at the Department office.
  8. No member shall serve on the same committee for more than three consecutive years.  


IV.  General

  1.  All Unit Annual Reports must be in the hands of the District Secretary or District President on the same date they are required in the Department.

2.     The District President will secure an insurance policy to cover the District properties:  both Junior and Senior Colors and all inventoried District Properties.   The premium cost of insuring these items shall be a budgeted item.  The District President shall be in charge of the Colors.  District Properties along with an itemized inventory and records shall be given to the new District President immediately following the Department Convention.  Ribbons for Pages and Color Bearers are to be purchased by the District and become a part of the District itemized inventory.

3.     The first two (2) Goal Units in membership each year shall have the honor of carrying the District Colors at the District Convention.

4.     The District Memory Book shall become the property of the District President upon the termination of her year.

5.     A Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members shall be elected at District Convention.  One (1) of these three (3) members shall be appointed by the incoming President to serve as Chairman. 

6.     Any candidate for office in the Sixth District will be presented at the District Convention to accept or reject said office, except in unavoidable circumstances.  Candidate endorsements are to be sent to the Department office, District President, Minnesota Legionnaire and the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  Whenever the Nominating Committee receives no endorsements, they shall be empowered to seek candidates for office.

7.     District Awards and Citations shall be judged according to the four (4) membership classes set up by the Department, with no more than two (2) citations and two (2) honorable mentions in each class.

8.     The District President-Elect shall have the privilege of selecting the Installing Officer for her installation.

9.     The Sergeant-At-Arms, Flag Bearers and Pages shall wear white blouses, navy or black skirts or slacks and navy or black shoes.

10.   District Memory Book Rules are as follows:

  1. Memory Books run from District Convention to District Convention and the Memory Books may have no more than two (2) awards in each Membership Classification.
  2. Memory Books are to be no smaller than 81/2 x 11 inches or no larger than 12 x 15 inches.
  3. The Auxiliary Emblem shall appear on the cover of the Memory Book.
  4. Memory Books will be judged on a ten (10) point system:

                        2 points for neatness                              4 points for most complete Auxiliary Program

                        2 points for originality                            2 points for aptness of captions

      11.     The name of each Past Sixth District President, year she served and Unit she served shall be in the District Convention Program. 

       12.     The American Legion Auxiliary Sixth District may conduct a self-supporting bowling tournament annually.

       13.     Any officer or chairman who loses a pin supplied by the District shall be financially responsible for the replacement of same.

       14.    A Candidate for Department or National Office will be welcome to visit the Sixth District as she wishes.  However, said candidate will                 address the District members for three (3) minutes on one occasion only, that is District Mid-Winter Conference or District Convention.

       15.     Auxiliary members do not vote for American Legion or Sons of The American Legion candidates seeking District or Department offices;                 therefore, only District, Department or National Auxiliary Candidates will be allowed three (3) minutes to speak at District Mid-Winter                 Conference or District Convention.


V.    Mid-Winter Conference

  1. When a District Mid-Winter Conference is held by The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary shall hold conference at the same time and in the same city and participate in joint activities with The American Legion, if invited.


VI.  District Convention

1.    District Funds shall pay for:

  1. Flowers for the Memorial part of the Auxiliary Memorial Service (unless otherwise provided)
  2. Call to Convention and Credential Cards.
  3. Recording of Convention Minutes (unless otherwise provided)

        2.     Convention City furnishes:

  1. Badges
  2. Programs
  3. Corsages
  4. Registration, luncheon and banquet tickets for distinguished guests (those on program from outside the District)
  5. Pages, if not appointed by the District President

3.     A list of Convention expenditures shall be furnished to the Convention City as soon as possible after the place has been voted upon by The American Legion.

4.     The following District Convention Committees, composed of three (3) members each, RULES, RESOLUTIONS, and CREDENTIALS, shall be appointed by the District President.  These committee members shall be accredited delegates.


       VII.  Standing Rules

  1. Copies of the amended Senior and Junior Standing Rules shall be distributed annually to all Unit Presidents, District Officers, District, Chairmen, County Council Presidents and Past District Presidents of the Sixth District with the first bulletin.  Copies of the Standing Rules shall be available at District Convention.
  2. The Senior and Junior Standing Rules may be amended at any District Convention by a vote of 2/3 (two-thirds) of the authorized representation present and voting, providing they are read at the opening of the District Convention and re-read before the Convention closes.

Revised and Ratified June 3, 2023 - Brainerd, MN


  1. General

Name:  The combined Junior Group of the Sixth District shall be known as the Sixth District Juniors of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Minnesota.

  1. Officers

The officers shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Sergeant-At-Arms, Executive Committee members (2) and the immediate Past Junior President.  Appointed officers shall be Secretary, Chaplain and Historian.  Each Junior Unit is limited to having no more than (2) officers appointed during any term of office.

  1. Duties of District Honorary Junior President

The Sixth District Honorary Junior President, with the guidance of the Sixth District Junior Activities Chairman, may send messages to be published in the 6th District Bulletin.

  1. Juniors Fall Fun Get-Together

The Juniors will hold a Get-Together annually in the fall of the year with the sole purpose to be a day of fun and fellowship and no business will be transacted.  The location of the Fall Fun Get-Together will be chosen at the annual District Junior Conference.  This activity will be planned jointly by the District Junior Chairman and the hostess UnitA registration fee of eight dollars ($8.00) will be charged by the hostess Unit per attendee.  This fee will include lunch and all expenses.  The hostess Unit will receive the money derived from the registration.  No money will be budgeted from the District Funds for this event.

  1. Time and Place of Annual Meeting

This meeting shall be held annually on a Saturday or Sunday at least two weeks prior to the Department Junior Conference, convenient to hostess Unit.  Each organized group shall be given the privilege of entertaining a conference before rotation is resumed.  The Executive Committee Meeting shall be held on the day of the conference before the conference convenes.

  1. Representation at Annual Meeting

Each Unit shall be represented by two Junior delegates with two votes at the annual conference, plus one additional delegate for each fifteen members or major fraction thereof.  Delegate strength is to be determined thirty (30) days prior to the District Conference.  Each Junior Officer, elected or appointed, is considered a Delegate-At-Large with voting privileges.

  1. Conference Committee Appointments

The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and Secretary, with the approval of the Advisory Committee shall appoint the necessary committees.  The District Officers shall lead the Pledge, Preamble and Prayer at the beginning of the meeting – Pledge by Second Vice President, Preamble by First Vice President and prayer by Chaplain.

The Sixth District Honorary Junior President shall select Flag Bearers for the District Colors at the District Junior Conference.  The Judges of the District Junior Conference shall be three (3) Junior members in each category with a Past Junior President or Senior member in each category.  The immediate Past Junior President shall be Chairman of the Judges. Other appointments shall be distributed among groups present.

  1. The Conference Advisory Committee

The committee shall be comprised of the Sixth District Honorary Junior President and the Senior District Junior Activities Chairman of the Sixth District Junior Group.  As a courtesy, the Sixth District President may be invited to attend.

  1. Sixth District History Memory Book

The History Book shall be presented to the newly appointed Junior Historian within 30 days after Department Junior Conference.

  1. Installation of Officers

Installation shall take place immediately following the election at the annual conference.  The officers shall take office after the Department Convention.

  1. Conference Rules
  1. Registration fee of eight dollars ($8.00) shall be charged by the hostess Unit per attendee.  This fee will include noon luncheon.
  2. Hostess Unit shall receive the money derived from registration fee.
  3. Hostess Unit shall pay for meals for distinguished guests of the Senior and Junior Auxiliary, all badges, programs and corsages.
  4. All other expenses shall be borne by the Sixth District Junior Auxiliary Group.
  1. Awards

All Juniors shall be eligible for awards.

  1. Memory Book Rules

A copy of the Memory Book rules and a copy of rules for Prayer Books of Devotions and Thoughts shall be sent to each organized Junior Unit President.  The Sixth District Bulletin shall be sent to the Sixth District Honorary Junior President and each Junior President of each of the active Junior groups in the Sixth District.

  1. Uniform Code

Any Junior member of the American Legion Auxiliary Sixth District may serve as Color Bearer at the Sixth District Junior Conference if she is wearing a skirt or dress, regardless of color or black dress pants

  1. Rules should be sent to each Junior Unit in the Sixth District at least two (2) months before the closing dates of the award, which is 20 days prior to the Sixth District Junior Conference.
  2. If any Junior Unit has an entry in Memory Book, Book of Prayers and Devotional Thoughts, or projects in competition, no Junior or Senior from that group may serve as a judge for that event.
  3. Finance
  1. A medallion and chain, or a pin shall be purchased for the Past Honorary Junior President from the District Junior Funds as budgeted.
  2. The cost of necessary secretarial supplies and postage used by the secretary shall come from the District Junior Funds.
  3. Presidents’ supplies and postage shall be paid from the District Funds as budgeted.
  4. $5.00 gifts shall be purchased from the Sixth District Junior Funds for the Sixth District President, Department President, Department Honorary Junior President and Department Junior Activities Chairman if present at the District Junior Conference.
  5. $5.00 shall be budgeted for a guest speaker at the Junior Conference, unless otherwise provided.
  6. Outgoing District Honorary Junior President shall be allowed $10.00 expenses to attend the Department Junior Conference.
  7. In the event of a death of a Past Sixth District Honorary Junior Auxiliary President, a $5.00 memorial shall be given to her family.
  8. The District Junior President shall receive the same mileage rate as allowed by the Senior Standing Rules round trip fare to hold her Junior Conference.
  9. The District Senior Finance Committee shall pay the cost of awards, ribbons and engraving of trophies.
  10. The District Junior Fund shall be $150.00
  11. The names of the Junior Presidents of each of the active Junior groups in the Sixth District will be placed on the mailing list to receive the District Bulletin.



Any suggestions for amendment of these standing rules may be adopted at any Junior Conference by a majority of the delegates present and voting and that the proposed suggested changes have the approval of the Junior Executive Committee.  The suggested changes must then be considered by the Senior Auxiliary Convention according to Senior Standing Rule VII (2).


Trophies and Awards

Dress A Doll or Stuffed Animal Contest

The “Dress A Doll or Stuffed Animal” category of the poppy contest shall be included at the Sixth District Junior Conference each year.

Dress A Doll or Stuffed Animal Contest Rules

To the Junior member dressing her favorite doll or stuffed animal as a “Poppy Princess” using poppies as part of its costume.

A.             Class I      Ages 6 and under

B.             Class II     Ages 7 – 12

C.             Class III    Ages 13 – 18

(The rules for this contest will be suspended if the Department Junior Contest has a “Dress A Doll or Stuffed Animal” contest with rules that differ).




  1. Have a poppy corsage made for each incoming and outgoing officer and guest (at least 20).
  2. Badges of some sort for each person present.
  3. Table for crafts – Book of Prayers and Devotional Thoughts, Poppy Contest entries and Scrapbooks.  (Put in letter of invitation “There will be judging of crafts, etc. this year, so be sure to bring them with you.”)
  4. Send a printed program prior to the Conference to the District Honorary Junior President, the District Junior Activities Chairman and the District President.
  5. Have 100 or more program copies ready for those attending. Note: Usually the most needed are 50.
  6. Cover front of table used by officers.  You can request to use the District Banner from the Sixth District President in advance.
  7. Put in letter of invitation to all Units, “Send your nominations for officers to the Nomination Chairman before the Conference or present them to her before the conference convenes.”
  8. Provide ballot material.
  9. Provide room for the Nominating Committee to work.
  10. Provide room for Executive Committee to meet either prior to convention or during noon break.
  11. Provide bingo prizes.
  12. Bingo during noon hour.  Proceeds from this bingo go to Host Unit’s choice.
  13. Soft drinks break in afternoon.
  14. Hostess Unit sends invitations to the District Junior Groups (active).  About 20 letters.
  15. Pages – District Honorary Junior President and the District Junior Activities Chairman sometimes provide their own.  The Hostess Unit provides the rest (about 12).
  16. Options, but very welcome: milk, juice and snack during the time of registration and until conference convenes for those who wish to have it.  The Hostess Unit may charge a nominal fee for this.
  17. Noon Meal.  Hostess Unit receives $8.00 registration fee to help defray expenses.  The following list for those who DO NOT have to pay registration fee to include: the District and Department Presidents; District and Department Honorary Junior Presidents, District and Department Junior Activities Chairmen, Parliamentarian and Guest Speaker and Installing Officer.
  18. The Hostess Unit pays the registration fee for anyone the Hostess Unit wishes to recognize.
  19. Unit Sergeant-At-Arms shall help the Sixth District Junior Sergeant-At-Arms line up the processional flags.



  1. Send a list of duties to the District Honorary Junior President and Hostess Unit by February 1st (or as soon as possible).
  2. As a courtesy, the Sixth District President is welcome to all planning meetings.
  3. Meet with the District Honorary Junior President and Hostess Unit prior to the Conference and check on how the Conference plans are progressing.
  4. Assist District Honorary Junior President and Hostess Unit.
  5. Select date that will be agreeable with the District Honorary Junior President and Hostess Unit and District President.  Time and place of meeting:  the Junior Conference shall be held annually on a Saturday or Sunday at least two (2) weeks prior the Department Junior Conference.  Each organized Junior group shall be given the privilege of entertaining a conference once before rotation will again be resumed.
  6. Help District Honorary Junior President to select a guest speaker of her choice.
  7. Help District Honorary Junior President to select a Parliamentarian of her choice (must be a Senior and a Past District President).
  8. Have her appoint her own personal page.
  9. Suggested list to buy gifts for: Department Honorary Junior President, Chairman of Hostess Unit, Personal Pages and District President.
  10. Do all possible to see that the Conference is run by JUNIORS.
  11. Unit reports are sent to you.  Pick best ones for District citations and send report with the best twenty (20) reports to the Department by date specified (white and yellow copies).  Blue copies to District President and retain the pink one for your file.
  12. Keep Units informed through the District Bulletin.
  13. Attend Sixth District Convention and give a report.
  14. Attend the Department Junior Conference.
  15. When it is our District’s turn in rotation to host the Department Junior Conference, request bids from Units and have Juniors select the location at the District Junior Conference.  Once selected, notify the Department Junior Activities Chairman of the location and date.
  16. At the District Junior Conference, call for bids from Units for hosting the Annual Fall Fun Get-Together and next year’s District Junior Conference (More about this is in the Juniors Standing Rules).