
Department of Minnesota, 6th District


Rob Albrecht

6th District North Sub Vice Commander

218-675-5211  |  ralbrecht@tds.net


Greetings from the North Sub.

The 6th District remains in First Place!  Congratulations to Commander  Koop, Membership Director Jim Lucas  and every member and post in the 6th District. Everyone’s   hard work put the 6th out in front and is helping it stay in front.

Now the hardest part starts. We need to do the best we can and use all our resources to connect with the one, two, five or twenty members need to reach goal. Remember any member can help with a renewal or getting a new member to sign up. Ask them for their assistance, it’s their Legion also.

At present the North Sub has three post  at or over goal.  Akeley, Bena and Kelliher at 129%. Five posts are in the mid to high 90% range. Four posts 1% short of 90%. One post struggling at 80.5% at present.

Keep  your post, it’s members and the 6th District moving forward.   Stay safe and well !

Three North Sub posts are at goal.  (Akeley, Kelliher and Bena) Two posts are in the 90% range, seven are in the 80% range with one post still struggling to reach 70%. We all still have work to do. Many of our posts need to recruit new members to reach their goal. They are out there.                                   Happy New Year!