Cass – Hubbard County Council
Cass County Council met in Sept. and had 3 Guests. Our next Meeting is in Dec2020. Our North -Sub is working hard to achieve our goals. Ashley Yoder our District Vice Cmdr. has a membership program that she is conducting as of the last report we have had our North – Sub jumped about 10 % points. At the end November, we expect to be in December’s Percentage of 75%, HOPEFULLY.
I sure hope All members of the American Legion and their families had an Awesome Thanksgiving and that you and your Families have a wonderful Christmas. God Bless One and All.
Thank You, Irv Tooker, County Council Cmdr.
Next Meeting- Dec.3rd, 2020- at 7:00PM at Backus hosted by Post # 368.
Rob Albrecht
Adjutant CHCC