Hope you read your October Legion Magazine and noted on page 56 the youth that won the American Legion Junior 3-position Air Rifle Championship, held July 22 at the USA shooting range at the US Olympic training Center in Colorado Springs CO.
Well, didn't think you did!! An article that most probably scanned over quickly?? But Jacob Wisman (W.VA) in Precision and Charles Bratton (SC) in Sporter were the winners! Maybe you may saw them at the National Convention? Jacob and Charles received a $5,000 scholarship! Second place winners won a $2000 scholarship! Congrats to all.
But what I wanted to point out, is in the Precision category, there was a MN shooter, Megan Jaros, who is with the MN Centershots at Anoka Legion Post and was number 5 position!! Jacob had a 2,481.4 and Megan had a 2,476.2...thus only a 5.2 difference from being #1 position!!..that shows the accuracy of their efforts. So congrats to Megan for getting recognition for the MN Legion!
Also noted a great letter ins "MAIL CALL" in the October Legionnaire..."2nd District see growth in Jr. Shooting Sports"! Congrats for their effort why not start some JSS effort in the 6th?? need help?? Remember to donate to the American Legion Foundation Fund 87--Junior Shooting help fund those active Shooters as needed..thanks, till next time.....
Mel Buesseler, 6th JSS Chair