
Department of Minnesota, 6th District



Rosie Court ~ 6th District Americanism Chairman

20779 Drumflower Road ~ Richmond, MN  56368 ~ (320) 597-3160 ~ rcourt@meltel.net

A reminder to all Units – the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including special needs students, deadline is quickly approaching.


Essay Title:      What does Freedom mean to me?

Please judge the scholarships based on the rules set forth in the Unit mailing. There is a word requirement for each level of classification. All essays must have the ALA national cover sheet attached to the front of their entry. The address on the form must be the home address of the student because if they are a winner, awards are sent directly to them in the summer.

Units should go to their schools and distribute the essay cover sheet with instructions and the return date that the essays need to be sent to the unit. The unit selects one winner from each classification and sends it to Department Chairman Mary Kuperus – 313 Pine St SW – New London, MN  56273 wmkuperus@tds.net on or before March 25, 2024.