
Department of Minnesota, 6th District



Pat Cadreau ~ 6th District Community Service Chairman

803 Crocus Hill St E ~ Park Rapids, MN 56470-2526  ~ (218) 255-0826 ~ cadreaubob@unitelc.com


Purpose: The purpose of the Community Service Committee is to promote the American Legion Auxiliary’s commitment to making our communities better places to live by supporting local service projects.   When you volunteer in the community, always wear some type of logo wear or your magnetic ALA emblem.

Many times, programs and projects held by the American Legion Auxiliary are held at the post with primarily members attending and volunteering. In an effort to promote patriotic community service activities and build community partnerships, units are encouraged to host events to raise community awareness of what we do while focusing on our national heroes. (It is encouraged not to use these events for membership recruitment purposes.)

Possible Local Partners/Volunteers:

Local high school National Honor Societies and JROTC

Local churches

Family Readiness Groups

Girls State alumnae

Boy and Girl Scouts; Cub Scouts and Brownies

Any partnering organizations already with a connection to your unit

Individuals interested in volunteering with the Auxiliary (“Auxiliary Advocates”)

With the holidays just around the corner, volunteer to help at Thanksgiving and Christmas community dinners.  Volunteer at your local nursing home – reading to the residents, playing games or you could write letters and cards for them ~ the list is endless. 

Anxious to hear from all the 6th District Units on what they are doing for Community Service. Would love to share through the bulletin with the District.

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