
Department of Minnesota, 6th District



Sixth District Finance Policy

  1. The fiscal year for the 6th District begins August 1. The end of each quarter is as follows: October 31, January 31, April 30, and July 31.
  2. There will be prepaid payments for expenses relating to the District bulletin (printing and postage), Commander and Membership Director (advance of half of 1st quarter stipend).
  3. COMMANDER'S FEES: Includes mileage, phone calls and rallies. May be paid quarterly, if desired.
  4. VICE-COMMANDERS FEES: Mileage and phone calls. May be paid quarterly, if desired.
  5. ADJUTANT FEES: Executive Board Minutes, District Convention Minutes, all other duties compiling post officers list, district officers list and other duties. Postage and copies to be paid over and above fees. May be paid quarterly.
  6. FINANCE OFFICER: Dispenses checks and deposits income. Complete and file 6th District tax reports by due date. (Any amount over budgeted amount is the responsibility of the Finance Officer.) May be paid quarterly.
  7. HISTORIAN: Take pictures at district functions and produce history book. To be paid one-quarter down and balance upon delivery of book.
  8. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: Stipend includes all mileage. May be paid quarterly.
  9. SPORTS: Primarily used for Legion Baseball and fast pitch softball.
  10. TROPHIES & AWARDS: Includes all trophies and awards presented by the District. Does NOT include Membership Program.
  11. CHAIRPERSONS: Reimbursement for expenses for chairing committee.
  12. MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: Includes any shirt the Commander gets for his/her team. Goal and ATH awards. Pins, if the Commander uses them. The remainder can be used for the district bulletin or as the Commander sees fit.
  13. NEWSLETTER: Includes printing and postage. Auxiliary and SAL to reimburse Commander for their portion of Bulletin.
  14. OFFICERS and CHAIRPERSONS: This is the per diem for attending 6th District Executive Board meetings at the rate of $35.00 per meeting.
  15. FALL CONFERENCE OPEN HOUSE: Commander to be paid $200.00 for hosting the 6th District Open House.
  16. DISTRICT MEETINGS: Includes meals for Executive Board members at District meetings. Spouses and/or guests must pay. Invited Dignitaries meals are paid by the District.
  17. ORATORICAL: Cash prizes used for winners.


  1. CAR CARAVANS: Includes membership packet delivery, Legionville and Pearl Harbor Rally. Mileage to be paid within the District ($0.35 per mile) to Vice Commanders, County Council Commanders and Past 6th District Commanders.
  2. NATIONAL CONVENTION DELEGATE FEES: Paid to delegates attending the National Convention. Checks to be disbursed within two weeks after Convention, per approval of the Delegate Chair.
  3. COUNTY COUNCIL COMMANDERS: To be used for mileage, phone calls, etcetera, as pertains to the 6th District. County Council Commanders must send copies of the minutes of their meetings to the District Adjutant as proof of their being 'active' – a minimum of four per year – to receive the stipend. Must turn in voucher to be paid.
  4. MISCELLANEOUS: Includes items not covered elsewhere.
  5. DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP RALLIES: This includes meals for Commander and spouse/significant other, Membership Director and spouse/significant other, and any Executive Board Members in attendance. Includes Past 6th District Commanders (at the District Commanders discretion).
  6. DEPARTMENT OFFICER CANDIDATES: District pays $500.00 to an endorsed 6th District member running for Department office. Does not include Department Vice Commander.
  7. All Expenses must have a voucher to be paid. Commander, Adjutant, Membership Director and Vice Commanders may be paid quarterly with voucher, if desired.
  8. The Newsletter Editor will receive a stipend of $1,000.00.
  9. The Finance Committee must approve all expenditures and/or overages not specifically included in the budget before reimbursement.
  10. AUDIT BOOKS: An internal audit is to be done by the Immediate Past Commander and Finance Committee at the Fall Executive Board Meeting.
  11. The District Commander has the authority to approve or disapprove payment to District County Council and District Vice Commanders stipend as determined by performance.

Prepared and passed by the 6th District Finance Committee on 5 March 2006.

Accepted by the 6th District Executive Committee on 5 March 2006.

Effective 5 March 2006.


Revised: 07 May 2006

Revised: 14 Oct. 2006

Revised: 05 Oct. 2008

Revised: 04 Oct. 2009

Revised: 07 March 2010

Revised: 06 June 2015

Revision: 24 June 2023