
Department of Minnesota, 6th District


American Legion National Website     https://www.legion.org/


Welcome to myLegion!

myLegion.org is a FREE website designed to connect members of The American Legion to their Post and Department leadership,

myLegion includes a site at each level of the organization:

Members - allows members to view information on file at National Headquarters, view messages and events published through the department and post myLegion sites, and network with other myLegion members using networking tools.

Departments - provides membership information, reports and electronic membership tools such as data change forms for all posts and squadrons within their department.

Posts/Districts/Counties - provides Legion and SAL information for all members in their post.  Allows post to submit member data change forms and Consolidated Post Reports electronically.  Upload post image, newsletter, message, and calendar.   Create membership listings, view members renewing online, search for members who have expired or are members of the department headquarters post, and chat with other officers discussing veterans issues and sharing membership ideas. 


www.mylegion.org - I encourage every member to sign in and work with this website.


Legionnaires Insurance Trust - https://www.thelit.com/

     Did you know that if you sign up with LIT, you have life insurance of $1000.00 all the time and $5000.00 if you are on Legion business. Driving to or from a Legion event, such as a Post meeting is considered Legion business.


Department of Minnesota website - http://mnlegion.org/